My role as coach is to help you take your skills to the next level. I help you build your unique identity, reflecting your personal strengths and weaknesses and I hold you accountable to your self-development plans. Active listening and challenging questioning and sometimes observing what is not being said, can lead to demanding and, ultimately, transformational conversations.
Coaching is a series of conversations to help you move to where you want to go and in that sense coaching is a journey.
My personal coaching values are being respectful, honest, non-judgemental, challenging and open. My promise to you, my coaching client, is to show up. I will be “present” at the conversation and I need you there too. All our conversations are private and confidential.
My coaching relationships vary. They often include bi-monthly 90-minute sessions and then, as we develop an understanding and make progress, 60-minute sessions. Engagement periods are typically for 6 months and beyond. Meetings are face-to-face although for executives who travel a lot conversations can be on Skype/FaceTime etc. There is no one-size-fits-all model and no contractual commitment.
If at any point, either of us thinks we are not moving forward then we just stop meeting. It’s that simple.
In some conversations we “play in the deep end”, if it’s relevant, which means having conversations about what’s happening in other areas of your life that might be impacting your work.
If you are looking for a way to reach the next level and you want to find out if my coaching style fits your personal leadership development plans please reach out to me for a conversation.
Successful coaching relationships start with a passion for self-development and personal growth. A coach helps you develop and grow more quickly.
Get in Touch
If you are a transformational leader or business owner willing to invest in yourself, to be the best you can be, and you are seeking personal growth, please reach out to me for a conversation.
(613) 293 9310
217 Deerwood Drive, Ottawa K0A 2H0
You can also send me a message through LinkedIn LinkedIn